Printed Navigation Guides

There is now one series of chart-guides that cover the network – Breil (Fluviacarte has ceased publishing). Each provides a detailed map of the subject river or canal, page by page, kilometre by kilometre, with information (in French, English and German) about locks (width, rise, number of chambers), bridges (air draft), depths, towns and villages; and moorings. Whilst it is possible to travel using just a waterways system map plus the various waterway signs that warn, instruct, or provide information en-route it is preferable to have better information to hand. In addition, the definitive hard-back ‘pilot’ book and accompanying maps, covering the waterways network in fine detail, have been edited by David-Edwards-May, published by Imray and Transmanche.

French canal navigation guide Breil

Breil Navigation Guides

Maps and detailed guidance books for each canal and river, published by Breil.

Breil Guides

French canal navigation guide Imray

Imray Guides

Maps and detailed guidance books for each canal and river, from Imray

Imray Guides

Popular books, guides and maps

Editions du Breil
Canal du Midi Guide

Petit Rhône – Rhône à Sete
R. Lez – Etang de Thau
Canal du Midi
Canal de Jonction/de la Robine
Breil A4 format guide with detailed maps, canal/river information, locks, bridges, depths, moorings, towns and villages and facilities. Eng/Fr/De

22.00Add to basket

Map – Inland Waterways of France

Excellent up-to-date map of all navigable French canals and rivers, plus (uniquely) Belgium, Holland and the Rhine.
Scale 1: 1 500 000 with clear graphics that note key characteristics for each waterway.
Complements ‘Inland Waterways of France’ book

16.00Add to basket

Inland Waterways of France
3 Volume Set

Each volume is in full colour, with detailed maps of junctions and other key sites on the network, overview maps for each waterway, and route descriptions. It is a unique blend of practical information, maps, background historical notes and colour photographs.
Complements IWF map

75.00Add to basket

Map – Inland Waterways of Europe

All the European navigable canals and rivers from Ireland in the west to Russia in the east. On one side, Dublin to the Danube (Bratislava); on the other the whole of Europe including Scandinavia through to the Black Sea and Caspian Sea.

24.00Add to basket

French Waterways in Detail
PDF Downloads

PDFs for all navigable French rivers and canals, grouped into geographic sets and offering exceptional value for money. All PDFs are printable and readable on appropriate devices, including Kindles and tablets.
Plus Belgian, Dutch and German waterways

PDF Downloads

Inland Waterway Boats and Barges for Sale

Boats for the inland waterways, rivers and canals of France and Europe. Steel and GRP motor cruisers, ex-hire fleet boats and private owner boats and barges for sale. New and bespoke-built boats and barges. Ownership and charter management programmes. Hotel barge businesses.


Privately Owned used boats for sale

Pre-Owned Boats

Privately Owned
used boats for sale

Private Owner

ex-Hire Fleet boats for sale

ex-Hire Fleet Boats

Retired self-drive fleet
boats for sale

Hire Fleet

Canal barges for sale

Canal Barges

Modern and Traditional
barges for sale


New inland waterways boats for sale

New Inland Boats

New Boats and Barges
for sale

New Boats