
Information about the 348km long Lower Seine

Lower Seine France map

Honfleur to Paris

The Seine rises in the hills of the Côte d’Or and discharges into the English Channel near Le Havre after a course of nearly 800km. It is a major transport artery, navigated by a substantial fleet of high-capacity barges and push-tows, and now a dozen or so  river cruise ships. In the tidal estuary up to the seaport of Rouen, inland craft share the 11m-deep channel with ships of up to 120 000 dwt. This entry covers the Lower Seine (Seine aval) from Honfleur to Paris, a distance of 356km. For Paris to Marcilly, see under Petite-Seine (or Seine amont), part of the Central France network.

The Lower Seine navigation officially begins at a point between the fishing harbour of Honfleur and the confluence of the Risle, but for convenience the route description starts in Honfleur.

Lower Seine region map


History – The Seine was notoriously difficult to navigate under free flow conditions on account of the limited depths during low flows. There were several proposals to dredge a reliable channel in the late 18th century, but no significant progress was made until Poirée’s successful experiment building a movable weir suggested use of this technique to canalise the river. The five locks and weirs on the Lower Seine were thus built from the 1840s, guaranteeing a draught of 1.60 m. A first improvement was started in 1860, raising the weirs to allow a draught of 2 m, also adding three new locks and weirs. The third phase, raising the draught to 3.20 m, was started in 1880. The fourth major phase of works was in 1957-64, new lock chambers being given a sill depth of 5 m up to Paris.


Key Waterway Dimensions

  • Max Beam: 12m
  • Max Height: 7.00m
  • Max Draught: 3.00m


Honfleur as entry port

The entrance lock from the Seine  1  is marked by its distinctive control tower. The lock is closed during low water, which is important to note for both entry and exit. The deepest channel lies towards (but not hard by) the tower itself. Entering from the river at LW, the lock can appear intimidatingly high and the water ingress quite fast. Boats should be prepared to manœuvre and tie up promptly. To take advantage of the Seine’s flood tide up the river to Rouen, it is necessary to pass out of the lock back into the river as early as possible after LW; take care then not to ground on the shallows. The Vieux Bassin  2  is accessed through the inner lock, open at set times. The boatyard TEC Océan  3  is in the Bassin Carnot. To get there one has to pass from the avant-port through the opening bridges into the Bassin de l’Est and then into the Carnot. These bridges also open according to timetable (consult the harbour office in the tower house by the Vieux Bassin).

Rouen as entry port
As indicated above, Rouen is the most convenient entry port for all logistical purposes, especially de-masting. Navigation is tidal for 105km up to the inland waterway limit at Rouen (PK 242). Maritime navigation in the Seine estuary follows the corresponding rules of navigation, as well as lights and channel markings. The river is still tidal up to the first lock at Amfreville-Poses (PK 202), and allowance must be made for the rise and fall of the tide when mooring to avoid the risk of grounding. If caught by the turning tide, there are a number of possibilities for mooring before reaching Rouen at PK245 anchor in the drying shallow creek ‘la Risle’ at PK346; or moor alongside at Caudebec PK310, Duclair PK278 or la Bouille PK260. All these moorings may be subject to severe wash from passing shipping. The Vigicrue website provides excellent data for the tides at Tancarville and Rouen. The pattern of times and heights can be seen for these two critical places (plus others on the river), essential for passage planning in conjunction with a tide table for Le Havre. Use of the Breil guide to the Lower Seine is recommended.

Seine Honfleur
A push-tow with sand loaded near Notre-Dame de-la-Garenne heads upstream on the Seine, meeting a small cruise ship bound for Honfleur. © VNF/Pascal Lemaître

The river carries heavy traffic, and navigation is complicated by the numerous bridges and several islands, which generally have to be passed on one side by boats heading downstream and on the other by those heading upstream. The route description clearly indicates the route to be followed in each case, as well as those arms that are forbidden to navigation.
The lower Seine connects with the Canal du Havre à Tancarville, which offers sheltered access to the port of Le Havre from the northern shore of the estuary at PK 338. Close to Paris, it connects with the river Oise (linking with northern France) at the waterway capital of Conflans-Sainte-Honorine (PK 71) and with the Canal Saint-Denis (one of the Paris canals) on the right bank at PK 29.
Among the many recommendations and regulations, it is worth noting that night-time navigation on the tidal river is forbidden to pleasure craft. The contrast on reaching the non-tidal river Seine above the first lock at Poses is impressive. One immediately enters a ‘middle earth’ of leafy side channels and islands. There are multiple options of channels to choose and explore (but be alert to depths). There are a number of places that can be busy with dinghies, rowing and sculling, and canoeing. Large barges and small ships continue to use the main channels.

Locks There are six groups of locks on the lower Seine. At Suresnes there are two chambers, 187 by 18m and 176 by 17m (12m at the gates). At Bougival the two chambers measure 220 by 17m (12m at the gates) and 112 by 12m. Navigation may bypass Bougival locks by using the Rivière Neuve arm, including a lock overcoming the same difference in level at Chatou (185 by 18m). At Andrésy there are two chambers (185 by 24m and 160 by 12m), at Méricourt three (185 by 12m, 160 by 17m and 141 by 12m), at Notre-Dame-de-la-Garenne two (185 by 24m and 185 by 12m) and at Amfreville-Poses two (220 by 17m and 185 by 12m). All locks are controlled by lights; enter behind the barges.

Draught The channel is dredged to allow coasters drawing 4.00m to reach the port of Gennevilliers. Above here and through Paris the maximum authorised draught is 3.00m.

Headroom Below Gennevilliers, all bridges offer a minimum headroom of 7.00m above the highest navigable water level. Above Gennevilliers, the minimum headroom is about 6.00m above normal water level, reduced to 3.70m above the highest navigable water level.

Towpath None.

Authority VNF – Direction territoriale Bassin de la Seine
–    quai de la Tournelle, 75005 Paris (PK 0-10)
–    5bis, rue Nieuport, BP 84, 92153 Suresnes cedex (PK 10-51)


Click to enlarge

Route description from Honfleur to Paris

355.7    Entrance to Honfleur harbour on south shore of estuary
Established by the Vikings, Honfleur is steeped in maritime and cultural history. The port is linked with the foundation of Quebec and was remodelled – the Vieux Bassin – in 1681. In more recent times the town was associated with the painters Boudin, Courbet and Monet; and the composer Erik Satie. The Vieux Bassin must be one of the most picturesque harbours in Europe, but it is often crowded with both boats and tourists. In the Bassin Carnot, the TEC Océan boatyard, +33 (& 0)231 895 589, steps and unsteps many masts each year. They are friendly and know what they’re doing, but they will expect the boatowner to be competent and to do all the preparation and ancillary work.
PK 352.7    Pont de Normandie suspension bridge
PK 347.7    Official limit of river Seine (Normandie suspension bridge is a further 5km seaward and Honfleur is a further 3km on the south shore)
PK 345.9    Confluence of Risle, l/b

Just after entering the Risle, a small stream enters from the right. Just after this, a small stony reef appears near low water and runs half way across from the left bank to about the middle of the river. This constrains the channel to the right half (looking upstream). It doesn’t look dangerous but it does take about 0.5m off the depth of the main channel. Possible anchorage to wait for the tide.

Seine Rouen Saint-Gervais
Lamanage Rouen-Dieppe’s hoist in Rouen’s Bassin Saint-Gervais. Mast-stepping facility also available.

PK 338.6    Entrance to Canal du Havre à Tancarville r/b (new lock)
PK 338.2    Tancarville suspension bridge
PK 338.2    Entrance to Canal du Havre à Tancarville r/b (old lock)
PK 331.8    Quillebeuf-sur-Seine ferry, town l/b opposite oil refinery
PK 324.5    Vieux-Port l/b
PK 323.3    Aizier l/b
PK 313.5    Villequier r/b
PK 309.6    Caudebec-en-Caux r/b, moorings (pontoons and buoys) r/b, water, electricity, landing stage for trip boats

Historic village, known to the Vikings and famed (formerly) as a place to watch the ferocious tidal bore or mascaret. There are two mooring pontoons; one may be in use by a river cruise ship, the inside (slightly more protected) side of the one shown here is private. No services, free. There are also some mooring buoys slightly downstream.

Rouen Lift Bridge
The magnificent new lift bridge (Gustave Flaubert) at PK 244

PK 308.2    Brotonne suspension bridge
PK 303.1    La Mailleraye-sur-Seine l/b
PK 301.2    Shipyard r/b (Le Trait)
PK 298.6    Ferry (Yainville), power station/factory d/s r/b
PK 295.2    Ferry (Jumièges)
PK 286.0    Ferry (le Mesnil-sous-Jumièges)
PK 278.0    Duclair ferry, visitor mooring r/b, water, electricity, night €20, village r/b

The mooring barge is located by the ferry crossing. Don’t moor on the inside, very shallow at LW.

PK 276.4    Yacht club r/b (l’Anerie)
PK 260.1    D/s limit of port of Rouen
PK 259.7    La Bouille ferry, village l/b

Rouen Saint Gervais mooring
Rouen moorings new (in the bassin Saint-Gervais) and – below – old

Small floating pontoon between two piles. A possible brief halt or under duress. The last place to moor bankside until Rouen (15km) – from here onwards it is prohibited. The approach to Rouen (one of France’s most important ports) becomes increasingly industrial.

PK 252.9    Basin l/b (Petit Bassin)
PK 251.3    Basin l/b (dry docks, Lozai boatyard)
PK 248.1    Ferry (Dieppedalle)
PK 246.7    Entrance to oil terminal, l/b
PK 245.5    Entrance to Bassin Saint-Gervais r/b, managed by Rouen Port Authority, access to Rouen port de plaisance, 100 berths, 10 visitor berths, night €15, water, electricity, shower, pump-out

Seine Rouen Mooring
The ‘Pré au Loup’ pontoons close to the city centre, at PK 242

Rouen, the city of Jeanne d’Arc and the cathedral of Monet, is worth an extended stay. With the splendid new lift bridge in view (at 1400m), turn left into the sheltered Bassin Saint-Gervais, where the excellent marina is located, an easy and pleasant walk along the river quayside into the centre. This part of Rouen, formerly commercial and industrial uses and docks, is the subject of one of Europe’s sustainable ‘Future Cities‘ projects.
There is also a mast stepping/re-masting facility here, between the two darses. Yachtspeople need to be ready to prepare their mast stays, shrouds and equipment (including electronics connections) themselves. The facility is operated by the Lamanage Rouen-Dieppe Cooperative & 02 35 71 98 31, email: Contact them in advance if possible (Christophe speaks good English). Cost €119 for the hour it normally takes, €49 per hour beyond that. Lift-out (subject to some wash from passing river traffic) and crane/travel hoist also available.
For supporting timbers, there is a big BricoDepot about half way towards Rouen centre. For mast transport – – or carry on board.
The old port de plaisance is slightly closer to the centre at PK 242 but, being pontoons in the river itself, is subject to strong passing currents and everything (logs and branches) that floats down. It is next to a boatyard/chandlery, Villetard. The local VNF office is also nearby.

PK 244.9    Entrance to Bassin aux Bois l/b
PK 244.3    Main road lift bridge (Pont Gustave Flaubert)
PK 243.0    Bridge (Pont Guillaume le Conquérant)

End of maritime navigation

PK 242.4    Rouen bridge (Pont Jeanne d’Arc), tramway line M (also called ‘Metro’), city centre r/b
PK 242.2    Bridge (Pont Boïeldieu), quays both banks
PK 242.0    D/s end of Île Lacroix, r/b arm (Pré au Loup) may only be entered on falling tide (against the current)
PK 241.9    Bridge (Pont Corneille)
PK 241.7    Yacht harbour l/b (in Pré au Loup arm), 30 berths, night €20.60, water, electricity, showers, crane, repairs
PK 241.2    Bridge (Pont Mathilde)
PK 240.5    Railway viaduct (Eauplet)
PK 240.4    U/s end of Île Lacroix, r/b arm (Pré au Loup) may only be entered on rising tide (against the current)
PK 238.5    Fuelling points for commercial barges r/b

Fuel barge just upstream of Rouen used by commercial traffic; delays may be expected.

PK 237.6    Amfreville/Saint-Étienne ferry
PK 235.9    D/s end of Île aux Bœufs (first island after Rouen), main channel l/b
PK 235.7    Private quay l/b (iron foundry)
PK 233.4    Private quay l/b (paper mill)
PK 229.7    Oissel bridge and railway viaduct, keep l/b side of all islands in d/s reach
PK 229.4    U/s end of Île aux Bœufs
PK 228.0    Motorway bridge (A13)
PK 226.9    Submerged groyne between islands r/b
PK 225.2    U/s limit of Île Légarée, main channel l/b
PK 222.8    Commercial quay (Elbeuf) r/b
PK 221.4    Railway viaduct (Orival)
PK 219.4    Suspension bridge (Guynemer)
PK 218.9    Elbeuf bridge (Jean Jaurès), mooring d/s l/b
PK 218.2    Entrance to r/b arm leading to former locks (Saint-Aubin-les-Elbeuf), boat club r/b, 70 berths, night €11.16, diesel, water, electricity, showers, crane on request, slipway, town l/b

Small quiet port de plaisance up a side channel (former écluse). Access 2 hrs each side of local HW

PK 216.8    Confluence of Eure (unnavigable) l/b
PK 215.2    Entrance to Freneuse arm (unnavigable) r/b
PK 211.1    Motorway bridge (A13)
PK 207.9    Second confluence of Eure (unnavigable) l/b
PK 207.7    Pont-de-l’Arche bridge
PK 204.7    Railway bridge (Manoir)
PK 202.0    Locks (Amfreville), two chambers, footbridge, VHF 18 weir (Poses) l/b, moorings on quay u/s

Seine Lock Poses
Delightful mooring upstream of Poses lock. F-W

Two side by side chambers, call up on VHF 18 and watch the traffic lights. Potentially a deep lock at low tide, use the (widely-spaced) edge bollards and those set vertically and horizontally into the sheet piling sides. Above the lock, very pleasant moorings at Poses/Le Mesnil but limited village facilities.

PK 200.8    U/s end of Grand Île, r/b arm leads to locks
PK 200.7    D/s end of Île d’Amfreville, l/b arm for u/s boats
PK 200.1    U/s end of Île d’Amfreville, r/b arm for d/s boats
PK 199.7    Minor channel l/b between Île du Noyer and Île du Trait
PK 198.9    U/s end of Île du Noyer, main channel r/b
PK 198.6    D/s end of Île de Tournedos, minor channel r/b
PK 198.3    Entrance to Poses lake l/b (recreational and water sports area), quay for sand barges d/s
PK 197.4    Tournedos-sur-Seine l/b
PK 196.7    D/s end of Île de Pampou, minor channel l/b
PK 196.3    U/s end of Île de Pampou
PK 195.4    D/s end of Île de Port Pinché, l/b arm for u/s boats
PK 194.3    R/b arm divides (Île de Connelle), minor channel r/b
PK 193.9    U/s end of Île de Port Pinché, r/b arm for d/s boats
PK 193.7    Porte-Joie l/b
PK 193.2    D/s end of Île du Moulin, main channel l/b
PK 192.2    Minor arm r/b between Île du Martinet and Île du Moulin
PK 191.8    Minor arm r/b between Île Brunel and Île du Martinet
PK 191.3    Minor arm r/b between Île du Bac and Île Brunel
PK 190.9    Saint-Pierre-du-Vauvray bridge, quay d/s l/b, for 6 boats, village l/b
PK 189.6    U/s end of Île du Héron, followed by Île du Bac, main channel l/b
PK 189.0    Piers of former railway bridge
PK 187.8    D/s end of Île de Lormais, main channel r/b
PK 186.1    Minor arm l/b between Île de la Cage and Île de Lormais
PK 184.1    U/s end of Île des Grands Bacs/Île de la Cage, main channel r/b
PK 184.0    Entrance to Venables port de plaisance (Les Grèves du Lac) harbour in former gravel pits l/b, 100 berths, night €18, water, electricity, shower, crane, slipway, repairs

Marina in a large flooded quarry.

PK 183.4    D/s end of Île du Port, ferry
PK 182.7    U/s end of Île du Port, channel l/b, Muids r/b

Small pontoon beside the very pleasant village with a small shop and a superb little café-bar next door. Recommended.

PK 178.3    Small island (Île Motelle) r/b, followed by Île de la Roque, minor channel r/b unnavigable
PK 175.7    Yacht harbour (Val Saint-Martin) r/b, 10 visitor berths, night €20, water, electricity, shower, crane 2t, slipway

Choose this harbour to visit Les Andelys and Château Gaillard. Very favourable reports from users.

PK 174.6    D/s end, Île du Château, r/b arm for u/s boats
PK 174.0    U/s end, Île du Château, l/b arm for d/s boats
PK 173.6    Les Andelys yacht harbour r/b, depth 1.80m, water, shower, crane 2.5t, slipway, repairs, Château Gaillard and small town r/b, closed in 2016

A memorable location, with the beautiful ruined castle set on an overlooking crag of rock. It was built by Richard the Lionheart, as Duke of Normandy, to defend Normandy against the French. Do not attempt to enter this port de plaisance, however, it is far too silted and shallow for any but the smallest boats.

PK 173.4    Bridge (Port Morin)
PK 170.9    D/s end of Île de la Tour, Tosny 500m up minor arm l/b

This ‘quay’ at Tosny is in ruins, but overnight mooring may be attempted on a short and possibly private concrete jetty. Lovely small hamlet.

PK 168.3    U/s end of Île Bouret, minor arm l/b unnavigable
PK 167.4    D/s end of Île du Roule (extended by submerged dyke)
PK 165.0    U/s end of Île du Roule, main channel l/b
PK 164.0    Courcelles-sur-Seine bridge, industrial quay d/s l/b
PK 161.1    Locks (Notre-Dame-de-la-Garenne), four chambers, l/b, VHF 22
PK 160.1    U/s end of Île Falaise, channel l/b leads to locks, r/b channel leads to weir (may be passable during floods)
PK 157.2    U/s end of Île aux Bœufs, Goulet arm l/b unnavigable
PK 155.6    Minor arm r/b between Île Souquet and Île Emien
PK 154.6    Minor arm r/b between Île Souveraine and Île Souquet
PK 153.2    U/s end of Île Souveraine, main channel l/b
PK 151.6    Industrial quays l/b
PK 150.1    Vernon bridge (Clemenceau), mooring d/s r/b (Vernonnet), behind small islands, 6 visitors’ berths, night €12, fuel, water, electricity, showers, slipway, restaurant

Vernonnet is a popular and attractive place to moor, but there are shallows, so attention must be given to the (small) buoys and marks. Deeper draught craft may not get in. 3km distant, a pleasant bike ride, are Monet’s house and the truly beautiful flower and water gardens at Giverny. The small town of Vernon is just across the bridge.

PK 144.8    Disused lock chamber (Port-Villez) l/b, possible mooring
PK 143.6    D/s end of Île de Merville, minor channel l/b forbidden to navigation
PK 141.0    D/s end of Grande Île, u/s end of Île de la Flotte, minor channel l/b forbidden to navigation
PK 139.8    Bonnières-sur-Seine bridge, industrial quays u/s l/b, water, electricity, pump-out
PK 138.8    U/s end of Île de Haute (followed by Grande Île), main channel l/b, Gloton arm r/b for access to Bennecourt boat harbour (Port Saint-Nicolas), 40 berths, water, electricity, shower, slipway, repairs,
PK 132.0    D/s end of Île de Haute Isle, r/b arm navigable by small boats for access to Haute Isle
PK 128.1    Vétheuil slipway r/b, u/s end of series of islands, small channels r/b unnavigable
PK 128.0    D/s end, Île Saint-Martin, l/b arm for u/s boats
PK 127.6    Private ferry in r/b armSeineConciergerie
PK 124.9    U/s end, Île Saint-Martin, r/b arm for d/s boats
PK 120.7    Triple lock (Méricourt) l/b, VHF 18, weir
PK 120.1    U/s end of Île de la Sablière, navigation l/b, boat harbour (Port Ilon), in basin r/b, 160 berths, night €12.90, fuel, water, electricity, shower, crane 12t, slipway, repairs

Port Ilon is a good marina set in an extensive, quiet and leafy flooded quarry. Anchoring is also possible. It includes lift-out and hardstanding facilities. Small chandlery, friendly and helpful. A possible over-wintering location. Nearest village, shop and boulangerie at Guernes, 4km.

PK 119.0    Rolleboise quay l/b
PK 117.0    Châteaux de Sully l/b (Rosny-sur-Seine)
PK 111.9    D/s end of Île l’Aumône, Limay arm r/b for access only
PK 109.9    Access to Limay arm through short arm between Île aux Dames and Île aux Bœufs (headroom limited to 2.50m)
PK 109.5    Limay boat moorings (halte de plaisance) r/b of side-channel, 30 berths, night €15, water, electricity, shower, slipway, repairs, town r/b

Accessed by the easily navigable, pretty side-channel, Limay has a ruined ancient bridge and a small village pontoon. Just downstream from the bridge and pontoon, a small halte and boatyard ‘La Marina’. Across the Île de Limay bridge lies the town of Mantes ‘la Jolie’ (the pretty), painted by Corot. This is where William the Conquerer (Guillaume le Bâtard) suffered a fatal accident falling from his horse.

PK 109.4    Mantes-la-Jolie bridge, town l/b
PK 108.5    Bridge (D983, Mantes bypass)
PK 108.2    Railway bridge (Mantes)
PK 107.1    U/s end of Île de Limay, main channel l/b
PK 106.8    Industrial port basin (Limay) r/b
PK 104.5    Porcheville thermal power station, quay r/b
PK 103.4    Île de Porcheville r/b and Île de l’État l/b, main channel between islands marked by stakes
PK 102.4    D/s end of Île de Rangiport, Blanc Soleil arm l/b for u/s boats
PK 101.3    Gargenville bridge
PK 100.8    U/s end of Île de Rangiport, Fermettes arm r/b for d/s xcboats
PK 99.7    Industrial quay r/b (cement works)
PK 98.6    D/s end of Île de Juziers, r/b arm small boats only
PK 97.5    Flins quay, car loading and unloading quays l/b (Renault)
PK 95.2    D/s entrance to former lock-cut l/b, keep to r/b side
PK 94.5    Entrance to former lock-cut l/b, keep to r/b side
PK 93.4    Les Mureaux bridge, industrial quay u/s l/b
PK 92.4    U/s end of Île du Fort, main channel in Mureaux arm l/b, Meulan arm r/b for access to Meulan boat harbour d/s of bridge r/b, visitor mooring (1 berth), water, electricity, slipway, restaurant

Another pretty side-channel leads to the town of Meulan, with excellent shops, markets and local produce. From upstream it is advisable to avoid the bras de Meulan and its first bridge (the central arch seems forbiddingly small), and to use the bras Saint-Come which cuts in from just above Les Mureaux bridge.

PK 91.6    Industrial quay (EADS, Ariane V factory) l/b
PK 90.5    D/s end of Île de Vaux
PK 89.4    Val de Seine boat harbour l/b, 12 berths, night €21.60, water, electricity, pump-out

Port de plaisance in a basin off the Seine.

PK 88.1    U/s end of Île de Vaux, Vaux arm r/b for small boats only
PK 87.2    Boat harbour r/b (Détroit Marine), 10 berths, one night free, water, electricity, showers, crane 15t, slipway, haul-out trailer 47t, repairs
PK 85.8    Yacht club moorings l/b
PK 85.4    Boatyard l/b (Mallard), water, electricity, slipway, repairs
PK 85.1    Triel-sur-Seine bridge
PK 84.4    D/s end of Île d’Hernière, Médan arm l/b for u/s boats
PK 84.2    Industrial quay l/b
PK 84.0    Bridge (D1)
PK 83.2    Small arm (Couleuvre) between Île de Médan and Île d’Hernière, impracticable
PK 82.5    Médan l/b (on Médan arm)
PK 82.0    Private ferry in Médan arm, l/b
PK 81.7    U/s end of Île de Médan, Mottes arm r/b for downstream boats (except the biggest barges and push-tows)
PK 81.1    Port-Saint-Louis marina in former gravel pit r/b, 300 berths, night €13, fuel, water, electricity, showers, crane 10t, slipway, repairs, restaurant

Large port de plaisance off the main river, also workshops. It’s a bit run down but if you can accept that, reports are otherwise positive. Fuel is available at a reasonable price.

PK 79.0    Boat moorings, quay 200m, slipways
PK 78.9    D/s end of Ilôt Blanc
PK 78.1    U/s ends of Île des Migneaux and Ilôt Blanc, navigation in central arm, l/b arm navigable for access to Jet Sept Performances, Villennes, km 80, 17 berths, no overnight mooring, water, shower, slipway, repairs
PK 77.8    Poissy bridge

Small town with the remains of a 37-arch medieval bridge, a Peugeot factory and a visitor pontoon by the modern bridge.

PK 77.2    D/s end of Île de Carrières, pipeline crossing
PK 77.1    Former car loading quay r/b (Peugeot-Citroën factory)
PK 76.4    U/s end of Île de Carrières, Saint-Louis arm l/b, main channel r/b
PK 76.3    D/s end of Île de la Dérivation, lock (Carrières) in cut, r/b (closed)
PK 75.0    Weir (Denouval) r/b in passage between Île d’en Bas and Île de la Dérivation
PK 74.0    Commercial boatyards l/b, water, electricity

Conflans is the biggest péniche town of France; lots of barges, hence this large commercial boatyard d’Achères with facilities and travelifts to match. There is a long-established engine mechanic, Diesel Marine, at 24 quai de Gaillon (where all the barges are moored up).

PK 72.7    Double lock (Andrésy) l/b, VHF 22, weir
PK 71.8    U/s end of Île de Nancy, navigation in Plafosse arm l/b, access to Andrésy in r/b arm, pontoon for 2 boats, water, electricity, slipway
PK 71.3    Confluence of Oise, r/b, numerous barges moored

It is north from here to the Canal du Nord and to the English Channel ports : Saint-Valéry-sur-Somme, Calais, Gravelines and Dunkerque.Conflans-Ste-HonorinePlan

PK 71.1    Railway bridge (Conflans)
PK 70.4    Conflans-Sainte-Honorine bridges, barge moorings r/b

Since 2013 the barge capital of France also has a halte de plaisance, pontoons for 12 boats with water and electricity.

PK 70.3    D/s end of island, ‘Je Sers’ floating chapel r/b
PK 68.9    U/s end of Conflans island (small channel l/b infilled), Boat Paradise boat harbour, 10 berths, night €20, water, electricity, showers, crane 13t, slipway, repairs, restaurant 200mSeine Conflans PK 63

The entrance looks fairly constricted, depth limited to 1.10m, but for small boats (up to 10m length) this boatyard with services may be worth investigating.

PK 67.1    D/s end of island
PK 65.4    U/s end of Île d’Herblay, Garenne arm l/b for boats only
PK 64.8    Herblay r/b, ferry
PK 62.4    La Frette-sur-Seine boat moorings (halte de plaisance) r/b water, village and Auberge Au Fil de l’Eau, r/b

A small village pontoon on the right bank, attractive surroundings. Auberge ‘Au Fil de l’Eau’ is the half-timbered house just behind the halte.

PK 60.1    Industrial quay r/b (cement works)
PK 58.6    Maisons-Laffitte bridge, town l/b, Sartrouville r/b, slipway d/s
PK 58.3    D/s end of Île de la Commune, municipal boat moorings in entrance to Maisons-Laffitte arm l/b (draught 2.00m)
PK 57.9    Railway bridge (Maisons-Laffitte)
PK 56.1    U/s end of Île de la Borde, navigation r/b (Maisons-Laffite arm l/b, no access)
PK 55.1    Quay r/b
PK 54.5    Motorway bridge (A14)
PK 52.9    Island (Île Corbière), upstream take l/b arm
PK 52.7    Railway bridge (Pecq)
PK 52.4    Island (Île Corbière), downstream take r/b arm
PK 52.1    Le Pecq bridge (Georges Pompidou), quay u/s l/b, slipway u/s r/b

Quayside near supermarket (fuel). Railway station (into Paris, etc.) close by.

PK 50.8    D/s end of Île de la Loge, Marly arm l/b unnavigable

Marly arm via Bougival locks

PK 48.7    Triple lock (Bougival) between Île de la Chaussée and Île de la Loge, VHF 22, Rivière-Neuve arm r/b to be used in time of flood

The Marly arm beyond the three side-by-side chambers of Bougival locks marks the entrance to Greater Paris area. By the bridge just upstream of the écluses is a port de plaisance that always seems very busy.

PK 48.2    Bougival bridge, boat moorings on quay u/s r/b

Between Bougival and Rueil, on the south bank by a white crane, there is a small (private?) pontoon that might make a quiet overnight mooring.

PK 45.5    Railway bridge (Rueil)
PK 45.2    Rueil-Malmaison bridge, (Chatou) quay u/s l/b for 3 boats, shower, pump-out

An easy day’s trip from the centre of Paris, this is a good pontoon (no services) adjoining a modern development. Lots of trees, shrubs and landscaping, walks along the river; and with shops and other facilities (petrol station) a fairly easy walk away, across the bridge in Chatou. Avoid the pontoon opposite on the Île des Impressionnistes (beside the bridge) where fishermen and others congregate.

PK 43.2    Entrance to port of Nanterre, l/b
PK 42.0    Motorway bridge (A14)
PK 41.8    Railway bridge (Carrières)
PK 40.9    Railway bridge (Nanterre), industrial quays l/b
PK 40.2    U/s end of Île de Chatou (or Île Fleurie), navigation in Marly arm, l/b, under normal conditions (navigation in Rivière Neuve arm, r/b, during floods only)


Châtou arm (bras de la Rivière-Neuve)

PK 48.1    Bougival bridge
PK 45.7    Railway bridge (Rueil)
PK 45.3    Rueil-Malmaison bridge (Chatou)
PK 44.6    Lock (Chatou), l/b, VHF 18, weir
PK 42.0    Motorway bridge (A14)
PK 41.7    Railway bridge (Carrières)
PK 41.0    Railway bridge (Nanterre)
PK 40.2    U/s end of Île de Chatou (or Île Fleurie), Marly arm l/b

Back into the wide main river. Commercial péniches transporting aggregates and other building materials are often to be seen. After a short distance (PK35) there is the Port de Gennevilliers, the main commercial docks complex for Paris. Then one has the choice of taking one side or the other of the Île Saint-Denis; the southern channel is restricted to downstream traffic only, from the northern channel branches the Canal Saint-Denis (7 ecluses) that passes by the Stade de France and connects to the Canal Saint-Martin (5 écluses and 2km tunnel) and hence the Arsenal basin, by-passing the long loop of the Seine in a direct line. At the southern tip of the island (PK25.5) there is a noteworthy hyperbolic paraboloid roofed sports centre.

PK 39.4    Bezons bridge (Boulloche), tramway line T2
PK 37.3    Bridge with aqueduct (Pont Neuf)
PK 35.8    Argenteuil bridge
PK 35.4    Railway bridge (Argenteuil)
PK 35.1    Entrance to port of Gennevilliers basins 1-4, l/b
PK 33.9    Entrance to port of Gennevilliers basins 5-6, l/b
PK 33.8    Motorway bridge (A15)
PK 32.8    D/s end of Île Saint-Denis
PK 32.2    Railway bridge
PK 31.8    Épinay bridge, slipway d/s r/b
PK 29.4    Industrial quay (Épinay-la-Briche) r/b
PK 29.0    Private boat harbour in Gennevilliers arm, (Port Sisley), restaurant 500m
PK 28.9    Junction with Canal Saint-Denis, r/b
PK 28.3    Bridge (Île Saint-Denis), tram line T1
PK 27.0    Motorway bridge (A86)
PK 26.8    New footbridge (projected)
PK 26.8    Projected boat harbour (pôle nautique) in Gennevilliers arm, new urban district on former industrial site
PK 26.1    Saint-Ouen bridge, industrial quays d/s r/b
PK 25.5    U/s end of Île Saint-Denis, navigation continues in Saint-Ouen/Saint-Denis arm, r/b, l/b arm (Gennevilliers) navigable only for access to industrial quays (or for upstream vessels)
PK 25.1    Railway bridge
PK 24.6    Bridge (Gennevilliers), commercial quay (Asnières) u/s l/b, oil terminals d/s r/b
PK 24.0    Boat harbour (Port Van Gogh) l/b, 60 berths, night €20, water, electricity, restaurant

From here the river is wide, with many houseboats (some are more like house-ships) lining the banks. Then along the channel by the Île de Puteaux, past the glittering brave new world office blocks of La Défense and through the Suresnes lock complex (three parallel chambers). Then past the old Renault car factory on the Île Seguin (PK11) and, increasingly, past cement and aggregate and other industrial docks and terminals.

PK 23.6    Clichy bridge, Metro line 13
PK 22.7    Asnières bridge, slipway d/s l/b
PK 22.6    Railway bridge (Asnières)
PK 21.8    Levallois-Perret bridge and d/s end of Île de la Grande-Jatte
PK 20.7    Courbevoie bridge
PK 19.7    U/s end of Île de la Grande-Jatte, Neuilly arm r/b forbidden to navigation
PK 19.6    D/s end of Île de Puteaux
PK 19.3    Neuilly bridge, Métro line 1
PK 18.1    Puteaux bridge, slipway u/s l/b
PK 16.8    Triple lock (Suresnes) and weir in l/b arm, VHF 22, weir in r/b arm
PK 16.4    Suresnes bridge
PK 14.8    Footbridge (Passerelle de l’Avre), marina (port Suréna) d/s r/b, no day mooring, 9 berths, water, electricity
PK 14.2    Motorway bridge (A13)
PK 13.5    Bridge (Pont de Saint-Cloud)
PK 12.7    Private harbour (Port Mazura) r/b, water, electricity, shower, slipway, repairs, wifi
PK 12.0    Bridge (Pont de Sèvres)
PK 11.9    D/s end of Île Seguin
PK 11.2    Bridge (Passerelle de l’Île Seguin)
PK 11.0    D/s end of Île Saint-Germain, Bras d’Issy-les- Moulineaux l/b
PK 10.9    U/s end of Île Seguin
PK 10.3    Bridge (Billancourt)
PK 9.6    Quay (Boulogne-Billancourt), r/b
PK 9.4    Bridge (Issy-les-Moulineaux)
PK 9.3    U/s end of Île Saint-Germain, navigation in Bras de Billancourt, r/b (l/b arm for rowing boats)
PK 8.8    D/s limit of City of Paris
PK 8.7    Motorway bridge (Boulevard Périphérique)
PK 8.2    Bridge (Pont du Garigliano)
PK 7.2    Bridge (Pont Mirabeau)

Bras de Grenelle (upstream only)

PK 6.7    D/s end of Île des Cygnes, Bras de Passy r/b
PK 6.6    Bridge (Pont de Grenelle)
PK 6.4    Railway bridge (RER C)
PK 5.9    Bridge (Pont de Bir-Hakeim) and Métro viaduct (line 6)
PK 5.8    U/s end of Île des Cygnes
PK 5.3    Bridge (Pont d’Iéna)

One is now floating through the heart of one of the world’s greatest cities. Past the Statue of Liberty (small version), the Eiffel Tower, Les Invalides, the Grand Palais and the Tuileries, the Musée d’Orsay, the Louvre and its pyramid, the Opera (and its phantom). Then the Île de la Cité, Notre Dame and the Île Saint-Louis. And the innumerable historic bridges.

Unforgettable, but just like driving through through a big city, one has to keep one’s wits about one, ahead and behind. The bateaux-mouche (flat wide long sightseeing boats) move very fast and don’t ‘make allowances’, neither do the smaller water buses (Batobus). It is very important to note the traffic flow, controlled by lights, around the two historic islands and the changes in left-bank/right-bank navigation thereabouts.

The Seine through Paris has been a challenge for visiting boats in recent years, following closure of the seasonal moorings provided at Quai de Grenelle (just off this map to the left). The Port des Champs-Élysées moorings (right) have been unavailable to visiting boats for many years.


PK 4.8    Footbridge (Passerelle Debilly)
PK 4.4    Bridge (Pont de l’Alma)
PK 3.7    Bridge (Pont des Invalides)
PK 3.5    Bridge (Pont Alexandre III)
PK 3.4    Port des Champs Élysées, port de plaisance r/b, 50 berths, water, electricity, showers, slipway, restaurants, good location but noisy, exposed to wash, and no longer accepts visiting boats
PK 3.0    Bridge (Pont de la Concorde)
PK 2.6    Footbridge (Passerelle Léopold-Sédar-Senghor)
PK 2.2    Bridge (Pont Royal)
PK 1.9    Bridge (Pont du Carrousel)
PK 1.6    Footbridge (Pont des Arts)

Bras de la Cité
PK 1.4    D/s end of Île de la Cité, Bras de la Monnaie l/b
The Bras de la Monnaie on the left bank side is accessible to boats heading upstream, but is narrow and intensively used by bateaux-mouche and the Batobus services; it is much safer to keep the main arm.
PK 1.3    Bridge (Pont-Neuf)
PK 0.9    Bridge (Pont au Change)
PK 0.7    Bridge (Pont Notre-Dame)
PK 0.6    Bridge (Pont d’Arcole)

Bras Saint-Louis
PK 0.4    D/s end of Île Saint-Louis, Bras Marie r/b), navigation continues in Bras de la Cité
The wide Bras de Marie on the right-bank side is mainly used by bateaux-mouche heading downstream only.
PK 0.3    Bridge (Pont Saint-Louis)
PK 0.2    U/s end of Île de la Cité, Bras Saint-Louis r/b (between islands), Bras de la Monnaie l/b, take r/b arm
PK 0.0    Bridge (Pont de la Tournelle), limit of Seine aval, navigation continues in Haute-Seine
Just one kilometre upstream on the Upper river Seine (Seine amont) is the entrance to the Paris Canals (Canal Saint-Martin) and the popular port de plaisance in the Bassin de l’Arsenal.


Upper Seine PK 168.0 (1km upstream beyond PK 0.0) / Canal St-Martin PK 4.0
Paris-Arsenal marina, 230 berths, max length 25m, night €34, fuel, water, electricity, showers, crane 7t, restaurant – Fayolle Marine website

Justly famed as The Place to Stay (for a few days or the entire winter), the Arsenal basin lies just downstream from the Ile Saint-Louis, between the river and the Place de la Bastille. At the southern, river, end access is via an ecluse (open 08:00 to 23:00). There is a waiting pontoon just downstream from the entrance with a telephone to call up the harbourmaster, but better to call up. Mooring up can be tricky (the pontoon is a little wobbly) when the river current is strong and the passing peniche and river bus traffic passing by can be hectic. At the northern end the basin connects with the Canal Saint-Martin and many passenger tourist boats go through that way. The port is well run (by Olivier, Bruno and Remi) and surprisingly safe and secure. It is, however, very popular and booking or phoning ahead is strongly advised.


Cruises, holidays and vacations on the Seine

River cruises France


With a complement of just 100-200 guests on board, river cruise ships (or ‘riverboats’) offer close, friendly and personal hospitality. Their modest size means that they can moor up right in the heart of France’s world-famous historic towns and cities and cruise sedately through the sunny heart of France itself. Eight, highly experienced, river cruise companies offer an extensive choice of river cruises on France’s six major rivers.
