
Information about the 194km long Canal de Garonne

Canal de Garonne France Map

The Canal latéral à la Garonne was opened in 1856 to bypass the unpredictable river Garonne over a distance of 194km from Toulouse, where it connects with the Canal du Midi, to Castets-en-Dorthe, where it falls into the tidal river. It thus forms an important link in the 600km route across southern France from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean, as well as becoming a cruising waterway in its own right, connected to the canalised rivers Lot and Baïse at Buzet-sur-Baïse.

Apart from this strategic connection, four branches remain open to navigation. The Canal de Brienne is 1.6km in length from the Port de l’Embouchure to the Garonne upstream of the Bazacle diversion weir in Toulouse. This branch serves for the canal’s water supply, and is regularly used by trip boats, but the lock giving access to the Garonne is not normally operated for pleasure boats. There is no basin below this lock and boats longer than 8m will have difficulty in turning here.

The second and most important branch, 11km in length, extends from the main line at Montech to the town of Montauban, where it used to connect with the river Tarn. This branch had to be closed in 1996 because of leakage through its embankments, but was restored and reopened in 2006, and now has a well-equipped boat harbour in the canal basin. The double staircase locks down to the Tarn have also now been restored. Canal de Garonne Aquitaine Map

History – The canal was first envisaged by Vauban in the late 17th century as a ‘logical’ extension of Riquet’s Canal du Midi, to bypass the unpredictable river Garonne. It was authorised by the Finance Act of July 1838, which budgeted 86 million francs for the works. It opened in 1856. It was lengthened to ‘Freycinet’ dimensions in 1968-1974, but without increasing the available draught. This encouraged a handful of operators to set up on the canal with 38m barges, but the decline in traffic had already set in, and the canal is now almost exclusively used for tourism.


Key Waterway Dimensions

  • Max Beam: 5.80m
  • Max Height: 3.60m
  • Max Draught: 1.60m


The other branches are double staircase locks from the main line down to the river Tarn at Moissac and to the river Baïse at Buzet-sur-Baïse. The former branch giving access to the Garonne at Agen has been filled in. The canal has some impressive structures, notably the aqueducts over the Tarn near Moissac and the Garonne at Agen. In 1974, the world’s first water slope was built to bypass the flight of five locks at Montech.

Locks – There are 53 locks, falling towards Castets-en-Dorthe, overcoming a difference in level of 128m. There are 9 locks on the Montauban branch, falling towards Montauban. The five locks at Montech are bypassed by a water slope, 6m wide and designed for 38.50m barges, but boats continue to use the old locks, since the water slope has no facility for boats to tie up. All the other 48 locks on the main line were enlarged in the 1970s to allow navigation by barges loading 240 tonnes, and their navigable dimensions are 38.50 by 5.80m. The locks on all the branches, and the five at Montech, are of restricted length (30.65 by 5.80m).

Most of the locks are equipped for automatic operation and controlled by lights. There is usually a vertical pole suspended above the water some distance before the lock, level with a first set of lights. When the combin­ation red/green appears, the pole is to be given a quarter turn to the right (see also the section on automatic locks in the Introduction).

Draught – The maximum authorised draught is 1.60m.

Headroom – All the fixed bridges leave a minimum headroom of 3.60m above normal water level.

Towpath –The towpath has been significantly improved in recent years, and may now be walked or cycled throughout.

Authority – VNF – Direction interrégionale du Sud-Ouest

– Subdivision de Haute-Garonne: 115 bis, rue des Amidonniers, 31000 Toulouse (PK 0-24).

– UTI Tarn-et-Garonne: Delbessous-Sud, 82200 Moissac (PK 24-90).

– UTI d’Aquitaine: 107 avenue Général de Gaulle, 47000 Agen (PK 90-194).

– Délégation locale du Lot-et-Garonne: 10, rue du 8 mai, BP 302, 47207 Marmande (PK 132-182)


Click to enlarge

Canal de Garonne Waterway Map

Route description, from east to west

PK 0.0    Toulouse, junction with the Canal du Midi at port de l’Embouchure, and junction with the Canal de Brienne, bridge, see plan of Toulouse

The basin off which runs the short Canal de Brienne, down to the Garonne and (b) into which connects the Canal de Garonne and the Canal du Midi. Terrific white marble bas-relief plaque – the Mediterranean and the Atlantic personified together with canal building cherubs busy with picks and shovels. The turn between the two canals is quite tight; you might want to go further into the basin and take a wider approach. There are quayside moorings here, but it is bounded by busy roads.

PK 0-PK 4 – A relatively unattractive stretch, with the A62 autoroute on one side and commerce on the other. Also, the giant new Toulouse Rugby Stadium. A new swing footbridge at PK 1 cuts across the canal on match days to allow fans to access, then leave, the stadium. At PK 4 is a watersports school – watch out for children having fun in canoes and dinghies!

PK 0.2    Former oil terminal, quay r/b, residential barge moorings
PK 1.4    Road bridge (avenue d’Elche)
PK 2.5    Bridge (Ginestous)
PK 2.6    Footbridge (Béziat)
PK 3.5    Basin
PK 3.9    Lock 1 (Lalande), bridge, basin u/s
PK 4.1    Bridge (motorway spur)
PK 4.5    Motorway bridge (A620, Toulouse ring road)

Toulouse Map Waterways

PK 4- PK 11 – The canal increases in attractiveness although the railway line is hard-by on the eastern side; there are large marshalling yards and a giant storage area.

PK 5.1    Bridge (Ruppé)
PK 6.5    Lock 2 (Lacourtensourt), bridge
PK 7.6    Lock 3 (Fenouillet), bridge
PK 8.5    Bridge
PK 8.6    Bridge (Latournelle)
PK 11.4    Lock 4 (Lespinasse), bridge

The canal gradually becomes more rural, more leafy…

PK 11.6    Bridge (D63)
PK 13.3    Lock 5 (Bordeneuve)
PK 15.2    Lock 6 (Saint-Jory), bridge, village 200m r/b
PK 18.3    Bridge (Pont de l’Hers)
PK 18.4    Hers aqueduct

Just before the lock, the canal crosses the River Hers in a double bend; pretty lock cottage.

PK 18.5    Lock 7 (Hers)
PK 19.4    Lock 8 (Castelnau), bridge, village 1000m r/b
PK 21.1    Bridge (Bordeneuve)
PK 22.5    Lock 9 (Embalens), bridge
PK 23.7    Bridge (Saint-Rustice)
PK 24.9    Pompignan bridge, small village r/b over railway
PK 25.9    Bridge (Grisolles)
PK 26.7    Grisolles bridge (Laroque), basin u/s l/b, water, village 500m l/b
PK 27.6    Bridge (D813)
PK 28.0    Bridge (Saint-Jean)
PK 29.4    Bridge (Villelongue)
PK 31.1    Dieupentale bridge, quay d/s l/b, village 500m l/b

Lock cottage Canal de Garonne
Hers lock cottage

Possible bankside mooring on east bank, but railway line is very close… then considerably more rural, passing through the Forest of Montech – a number of possible bankside moorings and the railway line moves away to the east, heading for Montauban.

PK 33.4    Bridge (Bessens)
PK 34.4    Bridge (Lapeyrière)
PK 35.4    Bridge (Montbéqui)
PK 36.6    Bridge (Montbartier)
PK 38.2    Bridge (Le Tourret)
PK 39.3    Bridge (Forêt), Montech forest r/b
PK 41.0    Lock 10 (Lavache), bridge
PK 42.7    Montech bridge, basin d/s l/b, mooring for 20 boats, night €3, water €2, electricity €2, capitainerie with showers €2, restaurant, village 500m

Pente d'eau Canal de Garonne
The Montech pente d’eau before it had to be closed © Phil’Ours

Port de Plaisance with capitainerie on the west (town) side ; additional ‘quayside’ moorings a little further, close by the lock, but watch for depth and obstructions. Possible over-wintering location. A small and unpretentious market town with lots of facilities and the imposing brick church of Notre Dame de la Visitation (completed early 16th c). The main supermarket is a short distance east across the bridge, on the other side of the canal.

PK 43.0    Junction with the Montauban branch, r/b, and with the water slope entrance

See foot of page for description of the charming branch canal down to Montauban and the navigable river Tarn. The water slope has been closed for many years, and its restoration is delayed because of the very considerable cost, more than €4 million. When restored, it will be adapted so that plaisanciers can use it, but some boaters will prefer the charming old 30m locks.

PK 43.1    Lock 11 (Montech), entrance to branch serving former paper mills d/s l/b, quay, slipway

This extraordinary site, an improbable location for a former paper mill (closed in 1968) has seen modest development as a complementary mooring for Montech, along with a slipway. Photo shows the entrance under the towpath bridge.

Lock 11 Canal de Garonne
The entrance to the ‘paper mill’ branch (right) with écluse 11 on the left; the moorings are tucked away in another arm, out of view to the right

PK 43.8    Lock 12 (Peyrets), bridge, level with upstream end of water slope
PK 44.2    Lock 13 (Pellaborie), level with bottom of water slope
PK 44.6    Lock 14 (Escudiés)
PK 45.3    Lock 15 (Pommiès), bridge
PK 45.4    Junction with water slope downstream approach canal, r/b
PK 47.0    Bridge (Escatalens)
PK 47.5    Lock 16 (Escatalens), bridge
PK 49.2    Saint-Porquier bridge, village 600m l/b

Excellent grassy banks to moor to all along the north-west side, between PK 48 and PK 52. Here the village has provided a good timber pontoon adjacent to pleasant gardens.

PK 49.8    Bridge (Lavilledieu)
PK 50.6    Bridge (Saint-André)
PK 51.9    Lock 17 (Saint-Martin), bridge
PK 52.6    Bridge (Danton)
PK 53.5    Railway bridge
PK 53.7    Bridge (Gaillau)
PK 55.4    Lock 18 (Prades)
PK 56.0    Bridge (Briqueterie)
PK 56.3    Footbridge
PK 56.4    Castelsarrasin basin, Jacques-Yves Cousteau harbour and Le Boat hire base, capacity 40 boats, night €5, fuel (possible delivery), water, electricity, shower, repairs, restaurant, town centre 200m l/b

Another excellent, straightforward, French small town – a full range of facilities, a good port de plaisance . Also a popular boatyard (chantier fluvial) run by Véronique and Bernard. Bernard’s crane can lift you out, he can provide welding and other metalwork services, and he has a large ‘hangar’ for winter storage. Railway station with connections to Toulouse and Bordeaux.

PK 56.6    Bridge (Castelsarrasin)
PK 57.5    Bridge (Gandalou)
PK 57.6    Lock 19 (Castelsarrasin)
PK 58.2    Motorway bridge (A62)
PK 58.6    Bridge (Saint-Jean-des-Vignes)
PK 59.0    Lock 20 (Saint-Jean-des-Vignes)
PK 59.1    Bridge
PK 59.4    Lock 21 (Verriès), bridge
PK 59.9    Lock 22 (Artel)
PK 60.5    Bridge (Caussade)
PK 62.2    Tarn aqueduct (length 356m)

Impressive brick-arched aqueduct (pont-canal) over the River Tarn – next to the rebuilt railway bridge; the original was swept away in the terrible flood of 1930 that also caused destruction in both Moissac and Montauban.

PK 62.6    Lock 23 (Cacor)
PK 63.2    Lock 24 (Grégonne)
PK 63.8    Lock 25 (Moissac)
PK 63.9    Junction with locks down to the Tarn l/b (extensive reservoir, but heavily silted, Tarn navigable 7.5km upstream to Sainte-Livrade)
PK 64.1    Moissac basin, port de plaisance, 40 berths, night €6, diesel, water, electricity, showers €2.10, pump-out, wifi, town centre 300m

The port de plaisance is many people’s favourite places. ‘Port Moissac’, run by Jim and Sandra. 
The town is very old, has a beautiful Romanesque abbey church and cloister, a lovely brick road bridge over the River Tarn (the ‘Pont Napoléon’, although having promised it to the town, he didn’t actually get round to delivering it before fate intervened), large local market on Saturdays and Sunday mornings also famed for Chasselas dessert grapes; also an unremarked suburb of small villas rebuilt following the 1930 flood destruction in authentic Art Deco styles.
The canal runs straight through the centre of the town; swing bridge (écluse hours, hoot to open) half way along.
River Tarn, Moissac: Highly recommended. Descend a two-chamber lock by Moissac’s port de plaisance, down to the Tarn and the town’s river quay (water and electricity). From there one can cruise downstream to the wide ‘lake’ junction with the river Garonne and then cruise a short distance up the Garonne. There are significant shallows to avoid, but also safe channels and beautiful safe anchorages. Alternatively, one can cruise up the Tarn, currently as far as the first disusued écluse but there are firm plans to reopen the upstream route through to Montauban.
Information about the projected ‘Tarn Ring’ connecting Moissac and Montauban.PK 64 Moissac Tarn

PK 64.2    Bridge (Marronniers)
PK 64.4    Swing bridge (Saint-Jacques)
PK 64.5    Footbridge, quay d/s r/b
PK 64.6    Bridge (Sainte-Catherine)
PK 65.0    Bridge (Saint-Martin)
PK 67.4    Lock 26 (Espagnette), bridge
PK 69.2    Suspension bridge (Coudol)
PK 71.2    Lock 27 (Petit-Bezy), bridge
PK 73.1    New road bridge (D26b)
PK 73.6    Bridge (Malause), pontoon for 7 boats, night €3.50, water, electricity, restaurant

PK 64 Pont Saint-Jacques Canal de Garonne
PK 64 Pont Saint-Jacques

Small timber pontoons overlooking the Garonne, water and electricity available

PK 74.6    Bridge (Palor)
PK 75.0    Industrial quay, turning basin
PK 76.2    Bridge (Capitaine)
PK 76.9    Lock 28 (Braguel)
PK 77.6    Pommevic bridge, mooring for 3 boats, water, village 400m r/b

Village pontoon with water and electricity available.

PK 81.1    Bridge
PK 78.5    Lock 29 (Pommevic)
PK 79.1    Bridge (Gauge)
PK 80.3    Lock 30 (Valence d’Agen)
PK 81.0    Bridge (Auvillar)
PK 81.1    Bridge (D953)
PK 81.5    Valence d’Agen bridge, basin and pontoon moorings for 10 boats u/s r/b, night €6.50, water, electricity, slipway, town centre 400m

The village is very pleasant, with a much-photographed circular open-air wash-house. Opposite the PdP is a remarkable C19th abattoir (now an activities centre) complete with bull’s head sculptures. The PdP itself was a bit tatty but recently improved, with both finger pontoon and alongside moorings.

PK 83.0    Bridge (Roux), D813
PK 83.1    Railway bridge (main line Toulouse-Bordeaux)
PK 83.8    Bridge (Coupet)
PK 84.6    Golfech bridge

Village moorings by the bridge, electricity and water may be available.

PK 85.4    Barguelonne aqueduct
PK 85.5    Bridge (Barguelonne)
PK 86.7    Lock 31 (Lamagistère), bridge, water
PK 87.5    Lamagistère quay l/b

This is a terrific place to moor up, alongside the bank, under the trees, but there are other spots shown in the photos right: (i) above the écluse and (ii) by the ‘Blue Lake’ (the Lac Bleu de Bergon) upstream of the lock at PK 86. The romantic hill-top village of Clermont Soubiran overlooks the canal. Head south from the canal and one comes to the quite stunning village of Lamagistère itself, on the banks of the Garonne. Elegant buildings date back to the time (pre-canal) when the extensive stone quays (essentially now left high and dry by a profound change in river level) saw 4500 vessels tie up each year, receiving and discharging cargoes of grain, wine and fruit. Glorious.

PK 87.7    Bridge (Lasparières)
PK 88.5    Bridge (Saint-Pierre)
PK 90.3    Bridge (Laspeyres), D813
PK 91.8    Bridge (Durou)
PK 93.6    Lock 32 (Noble), bridge
PK 94.7    Bridge (Guillemis)
PK 95.6    Bridge (Carrère)
PK 96.7    Lock 33 (Saint-Christophe), bridge
PK 97.6    Bridge (Sauveterre)
PK 98.4    Turning basin
PK 98.8    Bridge (Ostende or Lafox)
PK 99.4    Séoune aqueduct
PK 99.8    Bridge (Lascarbonnières)
PK 100.8    Bridge (Saint-Marcel)
PK 101.5    Private quays l/b
PK 101.7    Boé boat moorings for 10 boats r/b, night €3, water €2.80, electricity €2.80, shower €1.50

Above, the Port de plaisance ‘de Boé’ with fairly short finger pontoons, water and electricity, by a country park. Possibly more preferable are the informal bankside moorings between PK 102 and PK 103 – a tree-lined canal avenue with timber edgings and a small inlet at PK 102 itself, north of the bridge. Intermarché supermarket near PK 103.

PK 102.0    Bridge (Pourret), private quay d/s l/b
PK 103.6    Bridge (Coupat), D813, basin u/s
PK 104.5    Boé oil terminal, quays l/b
PK 104.8    Bridge (Laborde)
PK 105.6    Railway bridge
PK 105.9    Bridge (Cahors), D656
PK 106.3    Footbridge
PK 107.0    Bridge (Villeneuve), basin d/s
PK 107.1    Agen basin, boat harbour and Locaboat hire base l/b, night €13.50, diesel, water, electricity, showers, crane 10t, restaurant, town centre 400m over railway

Pros and Cons. A large town – famous for plums and prunes – with lots of facilities, including a main-line railway station close to the port de plaisance, itself located in a harbour basin. The Port de plaisance is basically a clean and well-resourced hire boat base (fuel may be available). Or there are bollards on the (opposite) north side, grass, hillside and pleasant suburban surroundings. But, the Port de plaisance is surrounded by busy roads that are especially noisy first thing in the morning. The town is not especially attractive. Other moorings at PK 105, on new bollards.


PK 107.6    Bridge (Courpian)
PK 107.8    Moorings along quay l/b (private boat club)
PK 108.5    Bridge (Saint-Georges), D813
PK 108.6    Railway underbridge
PK 108.9    Agen aqueduct over the Garonne (length 539m)

River crossing and descent. The impressive pont-canal over the River Garonne (the longest masonry aqueduct constructed in France) leads to a flight of four 3m-3.5m deep écluses. They are very easy ‘going down’. Going up, the highest is especially difficult due to the extreme force with which the incoming water enters the chamber. Do not moor at the front near the gates, even if this might upset a boat behind trying to use the lock with you. Allow 45 minutes to pass through the four locks, which close 30 minutes early.


PK 109.3    Lock 34 (Agen), bridge
PK 109.7    Lock 35 (Mariannettes)
PK 110.1    Lock 36 (Chabrières)
PK 110.5    Lock 37 (Rosette), bridge

This first/last écluse of the four is by a sharp turn and by the closed-off former branch that allowed descent to the river. This écluse has a strong sideways overflow current immediately outside.

PK 110.6    Former junction with feeder canal l/b (infilled)
PK 111.3    Bridge (Fressonis)
PK 113.5    Bridge (Nodigier)
PK 115.3    Bridge (Colomay), quay d/s r/b
PK 116.8    Bridge (Plaisance)
PK 118.1    Bridge (Chicot)
PK 119.1    Sérignac-sur-Garonne bridge, basin d/s r/b, 10 berths, night €3, water €2.80, electricity €2.80, shower €1.50, slipway, restaurant, village 500m l/b

A delightful mooring: timber quayside with water and electricity, pleasant walks along the grassy canalside dykes. The historic ‘bastide’ small village has a small supermarket, a restaurant, a good pizza bar, an ancient church with a twisted spire, and an excellent tourist office.

PK 120.0    Pipeline crossing
PK 121.1    Bridge (Madone)
PK 122.5    Bridge (Frèche)
PK 123.9    Bridge (Lapougniane)
PK 124.4    Bridge (Pages)
PK 125.1    Lock 38 (Auvignon), bridge, basin d/s r/b, Bruche 1500m l/b
PK 126.6    Bridge (Saint-Martin)
PK 127.6    Bridge (Thomas)
PK 128.8    Bridge (Castelviel), disused
PK 129.7    Bridge (Feugarolles), basin u/s r/b (disused)
PK 129.8    Feugarolles boat moorings l/b, village 1000m
PK 130.4    Railway bridge
PK 130.7    Bridge (Thouars)
PK 132.0    Baïse aqueduct
PK 132.2    Lock 39 (Baïse)
PK 132.4    Lock 40 (Lardaret), bridge
PK 135.2    Junction with canalised river Baïse via double staircase lock (descente en Baïse) r/b

The double-chamber écluse provides access from the canal down on to the River Baise. From that point one can head upstream along the Baise. Alternatively, one can head downstream to join and then cross the River Garonne; and then join and head upstream along the River Lot.

PK 135.4    Buzet-sur-Baïse boat harbour and Aquitaine Navigation hire base r/b, 10 berths, night €8, water, electricity, showers, slipway, repairs, restaurant

The double-chamber écluse provides access from the canal down on to the River Baise. From that point one can head upstream along the Baise. Alternatively, one can head downstream to join and then cross the River Garonne; and then join and head upstream along the River Lot.

PK 135.7    Bridge (Buzet-sur-Baïse), basin with moorings d/s r/b, village 700m l/b
PK 137.5    Bridge (Burrenque)
PK 138.4    Bridge (Doux)
PK 139.7    Bridge (D8 Damazan bypass)
PK 139.9    Damazan bridge, basin d/s r/b, 10 berths, slipway, restaurant, village l/b

Small Halte.

PK 141.9    Bridge (Lompian)
PK 142.8    Lock 41 (Berry), bridge
PK 143.6    Bridge (Maurin)
PK 144.3    Bridge (Vigneau)
PK 145.2    Bridge (Monheurt)
PK 146.2    Bridge (Lafallotte)
PK 147.5    Lock 42 (Gaule), bridge
PK 148.4    Bridge (Labarthe), Villeton, quay for 20 boats d/s r/b, water, electricity, shower, restaurant, Tonneins 4500m

Halte with new timber quayside, water and electricity by the Mairie

PK 150.2    Lock 43 (Gaulette), bridge
PK 151.1    Bridge (Jeanserre)
PK 152.2    Lagruère bridge (Ladonne) u/s r/b, water, electricity and shower, restaurant, village l/b

Small Halte

PK 153.3    Bridge (Lagruère)
PK 155.4    Le Mas d’Agenais bridge, quay and Le Boat hire base d/s l/b, night €6.50, water, electricity, shower, pump-out, restaurant, village l/b
Halte with water and electricity. Hire boat base
PK 155.8    Lock 44 (Mas d’Agenais), bridge
PK 156.8    Bridge (Larriveau)
PK 158.6    Bridge (Larroque)
PK 160.3    Caumont-sur-Garonne bridge, quay for 2 boats d/s r/b, water €2, electricity €2, pump-out, village l/b
PK 161.2    Bridge (Église de Fourques)
PK 162.2    Fourques-sur-Garonne bridge, Émeraude Navigation hire base, mooring for 5 boats, night €5, water, electricity, shower, slipway, crane 10t, repairs, village l/b
PK 163.6    Bridge (Marescot)
PK 164.4    Bridge (Sables), quay u/s r/b, Marmande 5000m r/b

Pont des Sables – Halte and Emeraude Navigation hire boat base.

PK 165.6    Avance aqueduct
PK 165.7    Lock 45 (Avance), bridge
PK 166.1    Railway bridge
PK 166.5    Bridge (Laronquière)
PK 167.4    Bridge (Rayne)
PK 168.4    Bridge (Baradat)
PK 169.2    Marcellus bridge, village 1000m l/b
PK 170.4    Bridge (Campot)
PK 170.9    Lock 46 (Bernès), bridge, quay d/s r/b
PK 171.7    Bridge (Tersac)
PK 172.5    Bridge (Cantis)
PK 173.4    Lock 47 (Gravières), bridge
PK 175.2    Meilhan-sur-Garonne bridge, Minervois Cruisers hire base and basin with mooring for 8 boats d/s r/b, night €7, water €3, electricity, slipway, wifi, restaurant, village 400m l/b

A beautiful leafy location for this Halte, set under a hillside from the top of which (‘le Tertre’) are extensive views over the neighbouring river Garonne, where swimming is possible. Bar/restaurant adjacent.

PK 176.5    Bridge (Pimayne)
PK 177.7    Bridge (Lisos)
PK 179.0    Hure bridge, village l/b
PK 179.6    Bridge (Julian)
PK 180.8    Lock 48 (Auriole), bridge
PK 181.3    Bridge (Tartifume)
PK 182.1    Fontet boat harbour in basin l/b, pontoon moorings for 10 boats, night €10, water, electricity, showers €1, La Réole 2500m r/b

A harbour Port de plaisance entered from the canal – weed has been much in evidence on summer visits. Beach and swimming pool. Museum of models made from matchsticks!

PK 182.3    Bridge (Berrat)
PK 182.8    Bridge (Fontet)
PK 183.3    Bridge (D9 Fontet bypass)
PK 183.5    Lock 49 (Fontet), bridge
PK 184.3    Bridge (Loupiac)
PK 185.5    Bridge (Gravilla)
PK 186.6    Bridge (Puybarban)
PK 187.6    Lock 50 (Bassanne), bridge
PK 188.7    Bridge (Castillon)
PK 189.5    Bridge (Noël)
PK 190.3    Bridge (Hillon)
PK 191.3    Bridge (Mazerac)
PK 192.0    Lock 51 (Mazerac), bridge

A popular port de plaisance has recently been developed in the basin above écluse 52 ‘des Gares’. Moorings are ‘Mediterranean’ end-to with pick-up buoys that are difficult to pick up.

PK 192.7    Lock 52 (Gares), footbridge
PK 193.0    Castets-en-Dorthe basin, moorings, night €12.30, water, electricity, shower, slipway, restaurant, village l/b
PK 193.3    Lock 53 (Castets), double lock down to Garonne
PK 193.6    Junction with river Garonne, see plan.

Canal de Brienne
Not navigable by plaisancier
PK 0.0    Junction with main line at Toulouse, Port de l’Embouchure (PK 0), bridge (Ponts Jumeaux)
PK 0.1    Footbridge
PK 0.5    Footbridge
PK 0.9    Bridge (avenue Paul Séjourné)
PK 1.1    Bridge
PK 1.5    Lock (Saint-Pierre), bridge
PK 1.6    Junction with Garonne, navigable upstream 5 km but authorisation required (not normally given to private craft)

Montauban branch – see separate page for information about the Canal de Montech and the projected ‘Tarn Ring’
PK 0.0    Junction with main line at Montech (PK 43), bridge
PK 1.1    Bridge (Rat)
PK 2.5    Motorway bridge (A62)
PK 3.4    Lacourt-Saint-Pierre bridge, mooring for 5 boats, night €3, water, electricity, small village l/b
PK 4.5    Lock 1bis (Noalhac)
PK 4.7    Bridge (Noalhac)
PK 5.0    Lock 2bis (Lamothe)
PK 5.4    Lock 3bis (Fisset)
PK 6.2    Lock 4bis (Brétoille)
PK 6.6    Lock 5bis (Mortarieu), bridge
PK 6.9    Lock 6bis (Terrasse)
PK 7.3    Lock 7bis (Rabastens)
PK 7.6    Lock 8bis (Verlhaguet), bridge
PK 9.2    Lock 9bis (Bordebasse), bridge
PK 10.6    Montauban basin, limit of navigation, mooring for 30 boats, capitainerie, night €3, water €2, electricity €1.50, showers €1, town centre 1000m
PK 10.7    Locks 10/11bis, double staircase locks down to river Tarn
PK 10.8    Junction with river Tarn, currently navigable upstream only, 8km to Bressols


Cruises, holidays and vacations on the Canal de Garonne

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Hotel barges are elegant and supremely comfortable, converted from traditional vessels or created as cruising boutique hotels from new. You’ll experience the smoothest of relaxing week-long vacations in high style looked after by an expert captain, professional masterchef, knowledgeable local excursions guide and attentive English-speaking cabin staff.

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Hiring your own cruising boat is an ideal way to explore and experience the pleasures and treasures that the French waterways have to offer. Hire boats come in different sizes, to suit a couple, a family or you and your friends, and your ‘hands on the wheel’ holiday can be arranged from start to finish by any of the reputable companies to be found on

hire boats Aquitaine France
Base locations map – Aquitaine
